Super Nintendo Toaster Mod Serves your Games Hot and Crisp

Many of the new and latest console mods hardly ever touch the shores of reality. About 90% of them are usually based on games (which should be the general case), but there comes a time when you get fed up with such mundane mods. So every now and then comes a mod like this, the Super Nintendo Toaster Mod, for the likes of those who live life out of the ordinary.

super nintendo toaster mod

Some of you guys might be wondering that the above mentioned mod could be a multi-tasking mod, that it may serve you breakfast in the morning and turn into your gaming console at the touch of a button. Sadly folks, the whole concept of the mod was to fit the Nintendo into a toaster, for which they had to remove all the internal parts; so no! it cannot serve you your breakfast in the morning.

But the fun part lies here, in order to play a game one needs to insert the game by pulling the lever down, simple as toasting a slice of bread. Unfortunately the game does not pop up once you have finished playing. The super Nintendo Toaster is here to guarantee that you have your games served Hot and Crisp, the way you prefer your Toasts.

If you are a big fan of the old SNES console, then check out the Super Nintendo Wii Mod, the Super Nintendo USB Hub and even the newly released NES and SNES console combo.

via: Walyou

2 thoughts on “Super Nintendo Toaster Mod Serves your Games Hot and Crisp

  1. Pingback: 32 Most Badass and Coolest Mods of 2009 | Superstars Of Gaming

  2. Pingback: Part 2: 23 More Insanely Modded Game Consoles and Accessories » The Hottest Gadgets

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